I have long admired HART. I find it a cleverly designed and thoughtfully curated magazine, by turns rigorous and light, not afraid to dedicate more space to “long-reads” and deep coverage, and with a refreshing attention to image. Always with a surprise or two, yet consistent in its delivery of intelligent writing and criticism.
Then there’s the website: for me, HART’s true potential and in a way its secret weapon.
So why should I help run it?
1. I’m both a writer and an editor. That means that I can work both sides of an assignment – drafting an article already with an eye to its eventual (plat)form. As a copyeditor, I’ve worked with a diverse range of clients, from artistic publications to independent artists to university departments (Trigger FOMU, VUB Department of Sociology, UGent Department of History, etc.).
2. As a web designer, I understand the web as a medium – its potential as well as it’s pitfalls. Publishing for the web is not self-evident, and it behooves any respectable magazine to ensure its online content is tailored to the specific media environment within which it circulates. The role and standing of online publishing is changing (challenging the business models of traditional print magazines) and even a magazine with a strong online presence such as HART must continue to adapt. In this, it helps to have someone with their finger on the pulse.
3. I studied German and English literature in the US (and Germany) and digital art in Antwerp. I’m used to overstepping disciplinary boundaries and linguistic borders. Lately, I’ve been looking for a position where I can leverage this background while working 'in the field.'
Lastly, I want to see HART test its own boundaries – do more to bring artists on board as writers, dedicate more coverage the art world(s) outside Western Europe: the specific points don’t matter so much as HART’s ability to adapt, change, look forward.
I believe that HART has a bigger role to play in the international circuit. This entails cultivating an international audience, partly through publishing more high-quality English-language texts. Here, it also helps to have someone who not only knows how to write but can edit in English too.